Opinions list

If you want to share your opinion about Stropay.me you need to log in to your account and go to history page, there you will see 'Add opinion' on the completed orders.

Customers' opinions about our service:

2024-09-19 Akintayo. Adebayo Joseph, Nigeria You guys are wonderful, I got my payment early than I expected. Keep the good work going.
2024-09-19 RAYMOND. FIAWOO Roger, Ghana My first transaction with Stropay was swift, looking forward to do more transactions with Stropay ...
2024-09-19 Nigel. Agordorku, Ghana Thank you Stropay, very fast and reliable.
2024-09-19 Bless. Nelson, Ghana At first trading with stopay was much of a problem to me until i took the opportunity to make may first trading with them. In fact i received my payment in a matter of few minutes thanks STROPAY #KEEP THE GOOD WORK
2024-09-19 Ofori. Peter, Ghana Good Job and God bless you all
2024-09-19 Daniel. Jude Quarshie, Ghana Fastest Service Ever
2024-09-19 FRANCIS GORDON. INCOOM, Ghana Super Fast & Efficient. Thanks StroPay.... You're Awesome
2024-09-19 Sampson. Oppong, Ghana Thanks Stroypay for doing it again, you have been my number one.
2024-09-19 mutala. mohammed, Ghana I swear it was quick even though it was weekend as at 2am thanks trust company
2024-09-19 Richard. Dzade, Ghana The best in Ghana

In Stock:

PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Ether (Etheruem), & Litecoin

BITCOIN STEALING MALWARE: When your computer gets infected by this malware, it's capable of changing the user's copied bitcoin address and replacing it with another bitcoin address when pasting it. Cross and double check your pasted bitcoin address during the ordering process. Also check and confirm your bitcoin address from your order before you add payment detail to the order.