2015-05-25 Technical maintenance is still on zenithincome.com

Dear zenithincome users!

We are still "Under Technical Maintenance" on zenithincome.com.  The site will start work fully by Monday 24th of July, 2017.

We are really taken our time to make the website great for our users.  We understand your feelings at this time and promise to make it up to you when the site starts working fully.

Lots of things are changing in the comapny and that is a goodness for us and for you.

More to be unfold in the coming days.




In Stock:

PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, Ether (Etheruem), & Litecoin

BITCOIN STEALING MALWARE: When your computer gets infected by this malware, it's capable of changing the user's copied bitcoin address and replacing it with another bitcoin address when pasting it. Cross and double check your pasted bitcoin address during the ordering process. Also check and confirm your bitcoin address from your order before you add payment detail to the order.